Schreinerei means joiners workshop, Stefan Hampel - thats me. This webpage is about my small workshop which is situated in Bonn, Germany. Using my minor knowledge in English and my even worse ability in typing I want to give you a summary about what we are doing here. In short:
You might send me an email using that button below. I am very interested how you found my site (search engine,
recommandation, or???):
I shall try to answer any mail, comment or question as soon as possible.
As I am mainly a craftsman I have no special knowledge in programming and I had to setup this page by myself. Sorry for a not so perfect outfit!
I am trying to give pure information about my factory using few graphics to reduce download time. But there are also pictures available, if you like to look at. Thanks for your visit!
Stefan Hampel
visitor since 29.01.2004:
updated apr 08